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membru din 18 februarie 2010

I - Pestrit englez alb-negru

Nu mai dețin această rasă .

Comentarii album • 15
kadarattila 11 aprilie 2013  
foarte frumosi
iepurirasapura 28 martie 2013  
`va multumesc din suflet pentru sfaturile pe care mi-lea-ti-dat ;va felicit pentru exemplarele frumoase pe care le detineti;atit la iepuri cit si la pasarisi; va urez bafta multa si cit mai multe succese incresterea lor ;foarte frumosi pestritii ;la ce gretate ajung ?
c4rment 20 martie 2013  
Superbe exemplare!! Sa va traiasca!!
jugaru 10 decembrie 2012  
rzv28 6 aprilie 2012  
Sunt foarte frumosi
gabritzio 20 martie 2012  
la cat mai multi pui! superbe exemplare!
AJColumbofilaGalati 20 martie 2012  
The English Spot Rabbit is prized for its beauty and graceful appearance!

English Spot Rabbit Contents
Color differences:
English Spot rabbits are mid-sized rabbits that are very active. They eat very little compared to most breeds its size. This, along with their love for running and jumping, contributes to the breed's long, slender build.

The English Spot Rabbot has a generally calm disposition and tolerates other pets very well. When handled starting at a young age, they can make good pets. But they are not the best choice for small children due to their high energy level.

English Spot does are known for being great mothers. Sometimes they will even raising young rabbits of other breeds in addition to their own litters.

For more information about Rabbits and their care see:
Guide to a Happy, Healthy Rabbit
The origins of the English Spot are uncertain. It is believed to be a descendent of the English Butterfly, and is known to go back to at least the mid-1800s. The breed was brought to the United States in 1910. Once sporting patches of color, the English Spot was selectively bred to achieve today's spotted pattern.

The English Spot's body has a full arch and long, slender limbs that are perfect for running. Its head is well proportioned with the rest of the body, and its ears are fairly long, colored and upright.
The most important feature in the English Spot is its markings. Only half of the rabbits most litters have the traditional markings, with spots and a stripe down the back. These are the only ones that are featured in shows. The rest of the average litter is split between solid-colored and partially marked rabbits.

Color differences:
Recognized varieties of the English Spot include black, blue, chocolate, gray, gold, lilac, and tortoise. All of these names refer to the rabbit's spots, as no background color other than white is permissible.

English Spots are reasonably easy to find, especially if you aren't looking for show quality. Prices range from $5 for pet quality rabbits to $ 50 for show and breed stock.

Photo contributed by: Nathan Hager of 4 Ever Friends Rabbitry
"English Spot Rabbit", Copyright 2001-2008 Bryntel Technologies
"What Is the English Spot", Copyright American English Spot Rabbit Club
"English Spot FAQ", "English Spots for Sale", Copyright 2002-2008 Stephanie Bartlett
"For Sale", Copyright GloryAcres.net
"List of Rabbit Breeds", Wikipedia, Copyright 2
ionut0108 16 martie 2012  
seymo 16 martie 2012  
iepurecalifornian 14 martie 2012  
bundu 14 martie 2012  
superb desen, sa va traiasca
ionellitu 14 martie 2012  
super frumosi,sa va traiasca.
radku 13 martie 2012  
sa va traiaca super frumosi
respect raduku
licadanila 13 martie 2012  
Sa va traiasca!
andrascsongor 12 martie 2012  
f. frumosi suuces
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